Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Invasion of privacy...?

        The country has been under the influence of internal and external conspiracies since day one, which our defense institutions and agencies have always been active with national passion and dedication to thwart, but there are some legal obstacles in their way, to remove them, the federal cabinet has In view of apprehension of an offense in the interest of national security, authorized to authorize a designated officer or more than one officer of a sensitive agency to intercept or trace any call or message. The approval was given by circulation in a summary form and notification was also issued stating that the officer or officers to be nominated by the agency shall not be below grade 18. The Cabinet has authorized the nomination under Section 54 of the Pakistan Telecommunication Act, 1996. Under this section, the Federal Government is empowered to designate any officer in the interest of national security or apprehension of any offense to intercept any call or message through any telecommunication system or Can trace the call.

       The notification states that the federal government has discretionary powers in the matter of telecommunication system during war against any foreign power or internal extremism or against the defense and security of Pakistan. In the event of a declaration of emergency by the President in such circumstances, the Federal Government may suspend or suspend all or any telecommunication order or license issued under this Act for such time as it may deem necessary. Can change. The sensitive agency will have the power to intercept or trace the call under this order. The possibility of interception of calls or messages is certainly a desirable measure from the point of view of protecting national security, but some of its negative aspects should not be ignored and should be spelled out in law so that a good move by the government does not become controversial. Don't be a victim of politics.

        The country is currently suffering from political instability and politics has become opposition to opposition, the decisions taken in the interest of the country are also criticized. If interference in telephone calls or messages is only related to terrorists or elements or persons active against the national interest, no one should have any objection, but it is generally seen that they are irrelevant and harassing decent citizens against the intent of the law. is also used for which is a clear violation of fundamental civil rights. In all the civilized societies of the world, the privacy of citizens is respected because unnecessary and unjustified interference in the privacy of citizens creates distortions in the society and its stability is shaken. People without clear evidence against them should not be intruded into their privacy just to please someone or to perform.

          Laws are made for social reform but it is also a fact that there are instances of them being used for wanton interference, corruption and gratification of one's personal ego which creates an atmosphere of anxiety, insecurity and insecurity in the country. Gets a boost. Citizens' trust in the justice system and the state is harmed instead of benefit, therefore, in the interest of the positive requirements of the aforementioned law, civil rights, especially respect for privacy, should be observed and unnecessary restrictions should be avoided.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Pak-Russia relations


      When Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif invited the Russian President to visit Pakistan and said that no geo-political change can affect our relations, he seems to be pointing to the status and importance of the current relations between the two countries. Pakistan Prime Minister, who is on a two-day visit to the Kazakh capital Astana on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit, met Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday. In this lively and pleasant meeting, it was agreed to strengthen relations between the two countries in various fields including trade and energy and to expand multilateral cooperation.

ALSO READ : ..... Pakistan's Membership of the Security Council

    Shahbaz Sharif said that we want to increase oil supply from Russia, we have to improve business relations with Moscow in the future. President Putin said that there are excellent relations between Pakistan and Russia, we can expand our cooperation in the fields of energy and agriculture, we will also expand cooperation with Pakistan in the field of food security. The two leaders had extensive discussions focusing on trade and economic relations, energy sector, important relations and global issues. The Prime Minister reiterated his commitment to work with Russia to further expand and strengthen the growing multilateral cooperation between the two countries in all areas of mutual benefit, including trade, energy, defense and security. Shahbaz Sharif said that it was nice to meet you, Pakistan and Russia have been friendly countries for a long time, their positive relations will have to be strengthened in the future. I am We can benefit from your experiences and develop mutual trade which is currently around one billion dollars. He expressed his desire to promote trade with Russia under the barter system, which will be beneficial for Pakistan and through which the country's numerous and other problems can be overcome.


    Russian President Vladimir Putin said it was a pleasure to meet you again after the Samarkand meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization two years ago. Bilateral relations have further improved thanks to trade ties between the two countries. He indicated to increase cooperation in the fields of energy, agriculture, food security. The meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Council has its own importance, but the contacts that took place on the sidelines between different countries on this occasion are also very useful. Shahbaz Putin's meeting provided an opportunity to increase efforts to stabilize Pakistan-Russia relations and increase trade opportunities. The trilateral talks between the Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahbaz Sharif, the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Ali Youf, among other issues, highlighted the possibilities of establishing a tripartite institutional mechanism in the fields of trade and economic cooperation and investment. Also, from the Pakistan-Tajikistan joint statement issued at the end of Shahbaz Sharif's two-day official visit, where the need and benefits of a peaceful, prosperous and stable Afghanistan for regional development came to the fore, dealing with all kinds of organized crimes, including terrorism. The determination was renewed. It should be expected that as a result of the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the contacts of various leaders, global and regional peace will be strengthened and the way of prosperity will be paved in the region.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Pakistan's Membership of the Security Council

The election of Pakistan as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the eighth time is an important diplomatic and historical achievement of Islamabad. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is right in calling the expression of confidence in Pakistan by 182 of the 185 voting countries as an endorsement of Islamabad's position and efforts for the peace and security of the planet, while Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar also While congratulating the nation, he has reiterated his determination that Islamabad will continue to play a role for the purposes of international peace and security as per the mandate of the United Nations Security Council. It should be noted that there are around 190 votes in the United Nations General Assembly. Five of these member states did not participate in the referendum while three voted against Pakistan. Two-thirds of the votes of the General Assembly are required for a country to be elected, while Pakistan got 182 votes. Islamabad will now represent the Asia-Pacific Group in the Security Council for two years (January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2026). Out of the total 15 member countries of the Security Council, 10 non-permanent members are elected. The five permanent members are Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States with veto power. The four other countries elected on Thursday are Denmark, Greece, Panama and Somalia. While the five non-permanent members elected last year include Algeria, Guyana, South Korea, Sierra Leone and Slovenia. Pakistan, which was elected for the eighth time on the non-permanent seat on Thursday, has experience and a history of service in various issues including UN peacekeeping missions. It should be expected that the voice of the people of the regions suffering from suffering and uncertainty, including Kashmir and Palestine, will be somewhat louder in the United Nations Security Council.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Supreme Court Judges Advice to Founder PTI

The Supreme Court has reserved its decision on the government's appeals against the annulment of the amendments in the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) rules, while Chief Justice Qazi Faizaisa has remarked that PTI founder Imran Khan is talking about two different things. On the other hand, they are talking about giving amnesty, 'go to parliament', sit there and solve the problems through negotiations, 'the country needs to move forward', during the hearing, Imran Khan appeared in the Supreme Court through video link and argued that I should speak from the heart. So the people's eyes are on you. Undeclared martial law has been imposed in Pakistan. The restoration of the amendment will make it easier for me, but the country will go bankrupt. If the situation is so dangerous, sit down with fellow politicians and resolve the issue. When there is a fire, we don't see whether the water is clean or impure. Yes, you are looking at us, what if we also fail? If something happens to the country, the politicians will be responsible, not the judges. Justice Athar Manullah said, "Unfortunately, you are in jail, people have expectations from you. " During the hearing, Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Isa remarked that the government of founder PTI Imran Khan also wanted to hold politicians accountable. Want to add? On which Imran Khan said, I don't understand one thing that you wrote that I did political point scoring in the last hearing, I don't understand which political point scoring was done? On which the Chief Justice said that it would be better if you speak in Urdu, Imran Khan said that I am hurt, it has been said that I am an irresponsible actor due to which it will not be broadcast live, on which the Chief Justice said Judge Do not explain your decision, Justice Aminuddin said you should limit yourself to this case only. Former Prime Minister and founder of PTI Imran Khan said that I oppose the government's appeal in the NAB amendments case, he said that Justice Athar Manullah has said that if the amendments are made, I will lose, I have been imprisoned for 14 years. I have reduced the price of the Tosha Khana gift, my watch worth two crore rupees has been shown for three billion rupees, I ask that the Chairman of NAB should be appointed by the Supreme Court, Justice Athar Manullah said there is no reason to cancel these amendments. No, you probably didn't read my note? What is left after your statement about NAB? Imran Khan said what NAB did to me in 5 days, what credibility will there be? Justice Jamal Mandukhel said that after going to jail, more maturity has come. Imran Khan said that the same was the case with the system 27 years ago, against which I came into politics. 7 thousand billion dollars of poor countries are lying outside. It has to be stopped, if the government and the opposition do not agree on the NAB chairman, then he appoints a third umpire, after that the institution of NAB always remains under the third umpire, NAB was not under us even during our time, Justice Jamal Mandukhel said. Asked what do you think Parliament can amend the NAB law or not? He said that those with Form 47 cannot amend any law. should be improved, there is a need for a special institution against corruption. On this occasion, Justice Athar Manullah recalled the issue of appointment of Chief Election Commissioner and members, Imran Khan said that I am still in jail, the amendments made in the NAB law will make it easier for me, but the country will become bankrupt. It will happen, people's names have come up in Dubai leaks, money is going out of the country. Now it is to be seen whether Imran Khan follows the advice of Supreme Court judges or not.